06 January, 2010

Time Certainly Flies

Can’t believe its another  year again!wow, 2009 practically flew for me. It was one carousel ride.But now i have to take a bow, and being the person that i am, i’m doing that in style.

This has been an interesting year. I had one of my deepest desires met, and that is fun and adventure. 2009 was more fun and adventure than i could ever imagine. And, i made some amazing  and unforgettable discoveries too, that have had astounding effects on me. I am not as i used to be because of these discoveries. My life is more exciting, interesting and enjoyable because of these findings, and on the overall i am bolder, smarter and much much surer of the future.

The way i see it, these discoveries are way too good to keep to myself.it’s just plain selfish not to share it.So, in saying good bye to 2009, i give you this: my five most important treasures from 2009.enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. real kool stuff you have written.
    i love it

    have you cheeked your link from
    pls check for updates

    tosin osemeobo
