06 May, 2010


Things get so thick 
like an impenetrable fog
Like waters risen from beneath our knees to our necks
And it is a fight just to believe

When it feels like we can’t hike another mile
And strength is fast slipping away
Times when we desperately need to find God
In what we see
In the plans falling apart
In the opportunity slipping from our reach
Or the broken dreams

Just a whisper
A breath of truth
Is all the light that we need
To fire up once again
Just to know that He’s right there
As always
Is enough to bring reason to chaos
And still our beating hearts
Just to know He’s right there
And that He cares
He understands
And He’s on it
Is enough to fill our need

Hearing His gentle voice
Having His soothing words
Wash through the unrest within
Capturing the confusion
And realeasing His peace
Having the aching part
Touched by redemptions warmth
And relieved
Set free to be free again
To love unbound
Dream uninhibited
And dance with gleeful cheer

Knowing He’s before us
He’s behind
He’s with us
Holding us by the hand
Never to let go

its  answer enough
to the want within
enough to inspire
the faith we so desperately need
enough to cajole us
to propel us
to move us
and to lead us in the way
till we find rest
knees bent
troubles stilled
calm and assured
“ Father, I believe! ”


  1. Oh, I definitely relate to this. Last week, a word sprung up in my head in relation to this...
    "... and your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,“this is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left" - Isa 30:21

    Father, I believe!

    Thanks Adenike. You are a blessing :)

    - LDP

  2. funny that at this present moment, the thought playing in the corners of my mind is: isaiah 30v 18&21.


    thanks for stopping by!!!
