17 August, 2010

Its A Brand New Day

Take a deep breath......exhale..inhale. Feel the cooling oxygen as it tickles a path down inside. Step out of busyness, take a moment(you deserve it). Relax. Close your eyes, let your mind zero out. Feel the tranquil of the peace in you as it takes you over. Think of love. Think of laughter. Think of all your favorite things, or some, (..wink...). Experience the beauty of all that you do have. The blessings that are here today.

Take another deep breath, and close your eyes again. Smile to your self, allow the joy within to cascade out. Open your eyes and smile again. To everyone around, never mind that you may be looked at as someone from out of space; joy, peace and serenity are strange experiences nowadays.

Remind yourself how great your God is. Decide now to drop all that has bothered you. And in case you have forgotten, there's still so much waiting. After all, yesterday has gone, with all old nonsenses. And today, oh this beautiful day, is a brand new day.

 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psa 118:24

Have a great day! :-)

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