28 December, 2010

Farewell to 2010: Letting Go

"Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust."
Psalm 16:1 NKJV

If you ask me, this entry is way overdue. Yet, I believe it is all well that its coming now, because it’s become even much clearer to me, in ways I never imagined.

For two years now, a certain verse from the bible has been my constant companion, day and night, every waking moment. That verse is proverbs 3:5&6. It’s been never far away from my heart, showing itself in situations just at the nick of time. However, these words did not work great change in me initially. At least not at once. Gently and gradually, they’ve changed me. Especially this year. Here is what I learnt.

God is not against us, He is for us. He doesn’t hate or condemn us. He believes so much in the future He has for us and we must also if we are to get there. However, we must be willingly to do one thing, TRUST HIM WITH ALL. With everything. Our strength and our weaknesses; our fears and our convictions; our happiness and our pains; what we know and what we don’t. Everything. We must learn to fall at His feet and acknowledge that He alone can and will see us through, in every way. Every step of our way. This is way beyond leaving it in His hands, it is letting go. Submitting like a sheep. Handing off. Relying on hime like a baby relies on its parents for everything.

To be continued…………

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